Friday, April 2, 2010

Our New Home

No, don't worry, we haven't moved out of this precious house . . . I am talking about our new church home!

Since we left New Life Church in Ann Arbor, we have been searching for a church that we can call home and we are fortunate that we are now members of Faith Evangelical Free Church. You can find out more about them here:

Not only have we found a new church, but we have also found a new small group and friends! This is a picture of some of us on our run (men) / walk (women). Yes, we know that we are the only couple without a stroller. No need to point that out. ;P


  1. So glad you have settled and are happy with your church home! Wow you ARE the odd-ones-out though, aren't you? =P Is it causing baby fever, or is it birth control?

  2. or is it causing you to really want a stroller?! they are kind of awesome
